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Comedian Andy Dick attacked after another bad performance

   Trevor Travis
    Bad comedian and unpopular dick head Andy Dick was brutally beaten down after a sparely attended show and he is in stable condition following the attack in New Orleans. Police promptly arrested the individual who wanted his money back form a horrible experience in attending this ultra liberal shits shows where he jus politically rants against Republicans and president Trump and this attack should come to a warning for the Jimmy Kimmel's and Sephardi Colbert's and these dirt wad individuals may be next to take it on the chin for the many propaganda things they lie and repeat through the anti-Trump cortopcracy owning the media and making the decisions who gets to be on TV and say what  politically bias things they often get away with in this partisan age.
   Andy Dick received a just punishment for the crap he says that he and his ten fans call comedy and basically Andy Dick is a pres elected mass media entertainer not unlike all of th elate night talk show hosts who are hand selected by one individual to read and represent news on what use to be a comedy talk sow interview program . Likewise today's comedians are hand selected for their content instead of actual talent and popularity.

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