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Rimmel ScandalEyes Mascara

Hey darlings!

I'm here today with a Rimmel Scandal Eyes mascara review.

Just the other day while I was putting on my Cosmagic Exte Bomber mascara, I was thinking to myself I really want a volumizing mascara but I'm not one to hoard mascaras. I have 3, and that's the amount I limit myself to.

After arriving home from uni, I checked my mail and received this along with the Rimmel mascara.

Holy crap! Talk about a perfect timing!

Yes. I felt really really lucky that day!

Seriously thank you so much for the mascara Priceline! I really appreciate it. You guys really read my mind!

Now, on to le mascara!

This is what Rimmel has to say about their new mascara.

It’s time to get involved in a scandal. And this time, it’s massive.

Introducing a scandalous mascara, ready to take your lashes to the next level.  Rimmel’s new ScandalEyes Mascara doesn’t know when to stop. With a brand new oversized brush and innovative formula, be prepared to say hello to lashes you never knew you had. Shaped, plumped, and exaggerated to perfection. Don’t settle for anything less. Be part of the lash revolution.

The new MaxDensity brush, covers your lashes with attention – from corner to corner. Bristles now flex in to deposit mascara and out to comb through clumps, so volume will scream. With scandalous eye opening volume, this mascara should need a license.

Watch false lashes become a thing of the past, as ScandalEyes mascara becomes the ultimate beauty weapon in your make-up bag. This Rimmel revolution has collagen for plumper, sculpted lashes, keratin for strong and healthy lashes.

For lashes so luscious it’s almost criminal! Unleash the wand of Rimmel London’s new ScandalEyes mascara. Start rumours, make heads turn and if anyone asks… you did it!

Did you read that?

I wouldn't. =P

Don't worry, I'll guide you tru it.

Firstly, let's talk about the packaging.


I love my makeup products to look sleek and sophisticated, which is the complete opposite of what Rimmel has to offer with this mascara.

It certainly stands out in my collection (which could be a love or hate point for you. Your pick.) and being a fan of their crown logo, I would have preferred it to be more prominent.

Also, do you notice the difference in shade between the mascara cap and tube body? Yuck.

I also find the design on the mascara tube rather atrocious. Like someone hastily put together the below par design on PowerPoint.

These 2 factors alone has really put me off the mascara, giving the packaging design a 2 out of 10. No effort involved IMO. Period.

♥ Brush

 Rimmel claims that our lashes will be 'shaped, plumped and exaggerated to perfection with the new oversize brush.'

And oversize is so TRUE. The brush and the tube itself.

The brush is huge, which does serve as a problem if you're applying your mascara in a hurry. You're fairly likely to stab yourself in the eyeball or smudge the mascara on your lids, so take your time with it.

Also, I do find the extra clump on the tip of the wand a tad annoying. There's always a chance of smacking the clump onto the bridge of your nose!


Formula wise, a rather wet formula which takes a fair bit of time to dry. Good news for layering on heaps of mascara! However, do give it time to properly dry!

I love how the mascara doesn't make my lashes stiff and stick straight. It definitely makes my eyelashes more prominent without it feeling heavy.

Here's what the mascara looks like in action.

Well, I think they're pretty damn awesome!

Here's how the mascara looks like on my falsies.

'Plumper, sculpted lashes'? Yeah. Pretty much.

♥ Waterproof?

Now, the million dollar question.

Can I go swimming in the mascara and still emerge fabulous?

I have no idea!

Instead of googling for the answer like every tech savvy person, I decided to have a lil fun.

I drowned the lil suckers.

Picture 1. At 0 minutes.

Picture 2. At 5 minutes. The mascara has clearly expanded.

Picture 3. While poking the mascara around with tweezers after the 5 minute mark, the mascara started to flake off. I was SOOOO amused!

With what's left of the mascara, I smudged them and... behold! The formula runs.

Conclusion: It's not waterproof. Duh ~

Here's the 'mascara flakes' after gently shaking them off the falsies.

It's it cool?!?!?!?!

✽ Overall 

Product quality: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Ease of use: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡
Packaging design:  ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

❝ Pros 
Lashes look voluminous and sexayyy...
Easy formula for building up multiple layers of mascara.
Lashes don't dry stiff and hard.

❝ Con
Poor package design.
Huge brush which makes may make application messy.
Not waterproof.

I hope this review was useful for you!


♡ ♡ 


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