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New year, new beginning! Goodbye 2016!

Wow! The year is over! How was it for you guys?
To me, it was a year where I finally started healing, putting some things together and realizing that even if things won't ever be the way they used to or I'd like, it is ok.
This year I tried to dare to do things I wouldn't normally do and...somehow I kinda did. Not many tho and some of them were not such great ideas but in the end I learned from that. I thought pushing myself to do things could make me get used to them but that is not how it works.
Yes I cried, I laughed, I screwed up but I also feel like I grew in many ways. I'm still in the process of finding many things, including my happiness but, I have so many plans for next year so yeah, I'm excited!
I do regret a few things I did during this year but in the end they are all experiences that I think I had to go through to realize others.
I can tell I am slowly going back to be the person I was before, and I'm happy about that. There is still so much to work on but hey, it's never too late.

Changes kept coming but I think I've been adjusting a lot better, I feel a little more independent and not-so needy anymore. Now I know I can't rush things, whatever has to come will come when it's the right time.
And I know it wouldn't be the same without all the people that came to my life (even if it was for a short period of time), those who have always been there, those who came back and the ones who came to stay! I keep learning so much from you all and it's been awesome to have such loving a supporting people around me. This year I became closer to some people, became stronger thanks to others and once again proved that family is not only blood related.

And...I'm not sharing a list of resolutions this year, I do have a to-do list tho. And I'm hoping to check them all as done byt the time 2017 is over.

All I can say now is, I wish you the best for this new year, lots of love, work, health and all you wish for. But especially happiness! Because when you feel happy, all the rest comes on its own so yeah, shine bright and smile big!

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