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5 Secrets About Avocado Oil For Hair You Should Know In Order Not To Discard It

Avocado oil for hair strengthens hair follicles and shafts, boosts hair shine and generally improves the condition of your hair and scalp. I believe there’s no sense to overpay for expensive shampoos, which, anyway, contain chemicals, whereas we have potent natural solutions at hand. Even adding a few drops of avocado oil to your shampoo when you are washing your hair, won’t take any additional time but will positively tell on the health and look of your hair. Here I have prepared interesting tips, tricks and secrets about usage of avocado oil.

Usage Of Avocado Oil For Hair

Avocado oil contains plenty of useful microelements and vitamins, such as vitamins A, B1,B2, E, D, F, PP, proteins, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Additionally avocado oil contains lecithin, phytosteroids, macro and microelements, such as potassium, aluminum, boron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, cuprum, iodine, zinc, silica and silver. All of them influence positively on health and beauty of your hair and condition of the scalp skin.

As you see, of all the natural oils, avocado oil has probably the longest list of active ingredients. Besides, researches have proven that it possesses unique penetrating properties, allowing to transport all the priceless components, mentioned above, into the deep layers of skin and inside the hair shafts.

Avocado oil is often mixed with jojoba oil in masks for hair. This combination allows to restore damaged hair, charge lifeless hair ends with energy and life power, strengthen hair roots and improve condition of the scalp. If you do not have avocado oil at hand, you may use the pulp of the fresh fruit likewise.

Well, there’s much information about avocado oil out there, however, if you don’t know certain secrets you may not like it after the very first use. I have collected the tricks about avocado oil, most of you may not be aware of.

The Most Secret Secrets About Avocado Oil For Hair

  1. Avocado oil is fatty and doesn’t wash off well. Most naturally curly hair is greasy at roots and dry at the ends. Avocado oil will help to nourish the ends and won’t make your scalp greaser if you apply it only to lower ½ of your length.

  2. Avocado oil is a unique UV protection for your hair. Its SPF is 15, which makes it a potent protective solution for summer.

  3. Avocado oil contains a unique age-reversing ingredient, referred to as Avocare PFE, not found anywhere else in natural sources, for this reason this oil is often mentioned as “elixir of youth”.

  4. Avocado oil produces a complex effect. When you are not happy with your hair, you usually complain of a few issues. These may be brittleness, weak lifeless hair, dryness of the ends, hair loss, etc. Thanks to biostimulators and microelements, containing in the oil, you will be able to stop hair loss, eliminate its brittleness, boost its growth and restore the natural shine of your hair. In the sun rays such hair glitters with rainbow radiance.

  5. There are lazy yet effective ways of application of avocado oil: add the oil to your regular shampoos or balms in proportion 1 to 10. For the best results avocado oil solely or in combination with another oil 1:1 can be rubbed into the scalp and left overnight.

We all have our favorite products, which we stick to and use on a regular basis. As I have already mentioned, if you are too generous when you try avocado oil for hair for the first time, you may not like that oily post-effect, which is in most cases is not visible for outsiders but rather perceptible for you. So, my recommendation would be to handle avocado oil as a concentrated product. Anyway, I will be glad if you leave your comments here as to how it works for you or about your favorite oil for hair. Thanks!

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